Soma - Kids are always asking for a treat when on the way home from school in the afternoon or driving to other activities. Created "Fun Friday" - Only stop for a treat 1x a week (on Friday), kids get to decide where, but they have to agree. **Also out of all of the parenting books read - favorite is "The 5 Love Languages Of Children" by Gary Chapman.
Jennifer - Suggests the book "Try And Make Me" by Ray Levy. Helps with the battles of strong willed children.
Linnea - Instead of having laundry baskets in everyone's room, she now puts 4 baskets in the bathroom and everyone sorts their own laundry. This makes it much easier to tell when there is enough for a load.
Caryn - Amazon Prime is $99/yr and is a great place to do your Christmas or birthday shopping especially if you are laid up. By paying for Amazon Prime you receive free 2 day shipping on every order no matter how big or small, you also receive access to many tv shows and I believe movies also for free.
Ciara - Has 2 boys and everything becomes a race. Sets the timer for 15 min & tells the boys to see who can pick up the most toys. Gives herself a chance to have a break or freshen up right before her husband gets home from work, results in the house being more picked up when husband walks through the door.
Karen - Has a son with Type "A" personality & always has to have an order to things. Made a poster board for kids to follow to get ready in the morning. Took a picture of each task that needs to be done in the morning & put on the poster board in the order which it should be done. Helps when someone else is watching the kids also & less questions in the morning.
Christine - Trying to foster a love of reading in her children. Keeps a small organizing tote in the backseat of her car and puts books in it for children to read and look at while riding in the car. Also keeps a smaller box in the tote to collect garbage.
Tricia - Has her older boys listen to books on CD during rest time. You can check them out from the library or download them to your ipad.
Linda - Shared a recipe for Microwave Caramel Corn that she has used for 25 years.
Microwave Caramel Corn
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. butter
1/4 c. Karo syrup (white)
1/2 tsp. salt
Combine the above ingredients in a glass 2 quart dish. Put in microwave and bring to a boil. Cook for 2 minutes more on high. Remove.
1/2 tsp. soda
3-4 quarts popped corn
optional almonds (toasted)
Stir in the soda. Pour into brown bag which popcorn is in and shake. Cook in bag 1 1/2 minutes. Shake and repeat if necessary. Pour out onto wax paper to cool.
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