Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Be CHRISTmas Bravely!

The Christmas Lesson
by: Cheryl Nydam

Objective: to "Be CHRISTmas Bravely" this year
Materials Needed: a Bible, a listening heart, time
Assignment: to study the people of the 1st Christmas Story

Herod: Represents the deceiver in the story. Our culture deceives us into believing that Christmas is about shopping.
Response: Simplify! You don't have to wait in long lines. It's okay to pay a bit more to gain time with your family! Store bought cookies are okay!
Idea: Keep it simple by buying a different Christmas wrapping paper for each member of the family! 

Caesar Augustus: Represents the circumstances that are beyond our control that bring us to Him. The census was beyond Mary & Joseph's control. 
Response: The unexpected will come up. Look for God's plan in the midst of the unexpected. 
Idea: Keep a Christmas journal that you write in every year. 

Magi/Wisemen: They were men on a mission! They followed the star, found Jesus, and presented gifts to Him! 
Response: Give to others. 
Ideas: Pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Participate in the "Angel Tree" ministry by buying a gift for a child who's parent is incarcerated. 
Question: What will be your mission?

Joseph: Represents waiting and anticipating Jesus!
Response: Prepare your heart for Christmas! Anticipate Him! 
Ideas: Watch "The Nativity Story" as a family, read Christmas books with your children (The 25 Days of Christmas)

Angels: Represents peace through God's son, Jesus! The closer it gets to Christmas, the more frantic people become. When you're too busy, you do not experience peace. 
Question: Where will you look for peace? 
Idea: Play Christmas music & turn off all the lights in the house except for the ones on your Christmas tree! 

Shepherds: They spread the word of Jesus' birth. They glorified Him, and told everyone they came in contact with about Jesus.
Ideas: Have a birthday party for Jesus with the neighbors. Share the Christmas story or a Christmas movie about the birth of Jesus.
Question: Who can you share Him with? 

Innkeeper: Represents making room for Jesus!
Question: Where is He is your Christmas celebration? 

Mary: Represents a BRAVE mom who pondered and treasured the events of Jesus' life.
Response: Tuck away special moments in your heart. It's not about the gifts, it's about the people.
Question: What traditions would you like to start in your family?

Jesus: Represents the center! All eyes were on Him!
Response: He is the reason for the season. Don't put Him "away" after Christmas. Let him be your focus everyday & all year long! 

Scripture Refernces: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 2:1-12, John 16:33

Friday, December 5, 2014

Decemeber Mom of the Month!

Our December Mom of the Month is...

Johanna R.

1.) Who's in your family? 

My husband Matthew, daughter Evelynn (3 1/2 Years), daughter Hannah (15 months), and our dog Pumpkin :)

2.) What's your favorite thing about MOPS? 

This may sound bad, but I just love being able to spend some time away from the kiddos to talk with other adults! Haha! I love them, but I need some uninterrupted adult interaction sometimes, and its been fun getting to know other moms.

3.) What is your favorite Christmas tradition(s)? 

Its so hard to pick one Christmas tradition! I must say though that since having children the holidays have become just as magical as they were when I was young. Its like reliving my childhood through my kids.

4.) What is your favorite Christmas memory from your childhood? 

One of my favorite childhood memories would have to be decorating the Christmas tree. I come from a family of 10 so pretty much doing anything was a BIG deal. We would warm hot chocolate and apple cider. Pop some popcorn. Turn on Christmas music. Then we would unwrap all the ornaments. I always had my favorite ornament to hang. A porcelain dancing figurine with a bright holiday outfit.

5.) If you had a day to yourself, what would you do? 

Sleep in as late as possible! Grab a warm cup of tea and a baked good from my favorite bakery for breakfast, then go shopping. Walking around the stores and browsing as slowly as I want, only leaving with 1 or 2 things I need. Then in the evening I would turn on a movie or maybe a TV show (Downton Abbey) and get out my yarn and needles to relax.

6.) What is one piece of advice that you can offer other moms? 

Instead of a piece of advice, Ill give you a quote that I read that really resonates with me. "Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise."-Andy Stanley