Our January Mom of the Month (M.O.M) is....
Kate O.
1.) Who's in your family?
Our little family includes myself, my husband, Luke, and our two sons, Wesley (3 and 1/2) and Graham (7 months).
2.) What's your favorite thing about MOPS?
Being a mom can feel very isolating at times. You wonder if you are making the right choices as a mom or if you are the only one going through certain things. MOPS makes me feel like I'm not alone, and that there are other women just like me who are just trying to do their best for their families. I love the speakers who share with us, the adult conversation....and let's be honest, the breakfast is one of my favorite things too :)
3.) What was your favorite moment from Christmas?
My eldest didn't really get the whole Santa thing last year, so watching the magic of it all through his eyes was so much fun. He sprinkled "reindeer food" outside, worried about Santa getting burned in the fire, and spent an hour just in awe of his filled stocking. Who knows how many years of that kind of magic we have left?
4.) If you had a weekend to yourself, what would you do?
I would do all the things I'm not able to do on a normal day. Probably get a massage, go to the movies, read a book, eat out at a fabulous restaurant, and take a bunch of naps. Oh, and I'd sleep all night long. Did I mention I'd sleep?
5.) Who has been the most influential person in your life?
My mom, for sure. She has been my steady rock all my life, praying for me through every chapter. She always had faith in me, even when I didn't.
6.) What is one piece of advice you can offer other moms?
I guess one thing I've been working on is trying to find the joy in every stage, no matter how frustrating. My husband and I recently pulled out home videos for the first time, and I found myself sobbing after two minutes. It shocked me that our tiny baby had grown into a little boy without me even noticing it. I got so caught up in milestones and progress that I forgot to just treasure him being little.
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