Mom of the Month: April
Lisa Yarbrough
Who is in your family?
Ben, Lisa, Jacob (9), Emily (7), Addison (3)
What were your favorite Easter traditions growing up?
My favorite Easter traditions growing up were finding the best outfit with matching hat to wear to church, followed by lunch with extended family and an egg hunt. We would also leave on Easter night every year to spend spring break in Palm Desert. We pretty much do those same things now….minus the Easter hat. :)
What is one thing you miss about being a kid?
Oh man! There are so many things. I miss freedom and playing without much responsibility. Being a kid is great!
What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
I have been blessed in my life to be surrounded by so many nice people. It's almost hard to pick the nicest thing. I would have to say that the nicest things that stand out in my mind were during a time when we were struggling financially. Monetary gifts, a meal out, groceries and diapers purchased for us. The generosity of people was humbling and so much appreciated.
Any advice or encouragement for the other moms in our group?
The advice I have is to eliminate distractions. I say this because I have fallen into the trap of distractions myself. It's easy, it happens slowly. Limit your time on Facebook, pinterest, twitter, instagram, etc. The electronic age is robbing us of time spent with our beautiful loved ones. I realized when my kids would say, "Mommy get off your phone!" that I was neglecting what was most important to me. Live in the moment with your kids, enjoy their presence! I decided I didn't want my kids to look back on their childhood and think, "My mommy sure loved her phone!" Just a thought… :)