Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mom of the Month: February

Mom of the Month: February

Lili Leiva

Who is in your family?
My husband Leo and me, Lili Leiva. We were both LL's so we thought we'd keep it going…We have Linelle (8), Lileahna (5), Landez (3), little Leo (20 months).

Do you have a favorite event in the winter olympics?
I'm so bad…I haven't watched the olympics at all! But, my favorite is figure skating with the couples- so romantic!

What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
Once we had an older neighbor that would mow our lawn…all the time. When I had the baby, he delivered a package of goodies for us… it would have popsicles, fruits, juice, and frozen dinners. This went on for about 3 months. Let's just say we miss him very much!

To what would you like to devote more time?
I would like to devote more time to my husband. Between Bible study, MOPS, kids' school, gym, cooking, housework…list goes on and on…at times he gets the leftovers of me at the end of the day…which is not fair for him. I would like to actually go every month to date my husband…this task is easier said than done!

What advice or encouragement can you offer to the moms in our group?
My advice for young moms is to take the time and enjoy your family. Making memories is priceless and they will be gone before you know it. Housework will always be around but not our kids.

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