Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Lead Me

Last Tuesday the magnanimous Heather Blass, my very first MOPS leader, shared with us about Leading Where We Are. She challenged us to step up as leaders within our "Sphere of Influence". She encouraged us that God will use us where we are, and reminded us that "God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called"! She was so inspiring in her message that I found her after, interrupted her conversation, and told her that I think I need to go back to school full time and become a medical doctor. Ha! We will see if that is what He has in store for me.
     This last week her message has me thinking about what the Lord has done in my life and how He has used me. Used me in ways I never planned for or would even want. He has even taken away things I thought I wanted but I'm so glad He took away.
   I used to like to think I knew everything and how my life should work out perfectly, oh and I could tell you how to live your life too. Of course I can still think this way from time to time. I think this has got to be pretty funny to God because of the amount of plans I have had for my life. It is a long family joke that if you name a job, or a place, I have probably worked there. I literally want to do everything and be everything. I have worked as a Waitress, Salmon Hatchery Tech, Nanny to the rich, Missionary, Hot Dog on a Stick chic, etc. The list literally goes on and on. After High School graduation I was accepted into an acting college in NY, but was trying to decide if I should be a Paratrooper Medic in the Army...I ended up settling on Child Development...also, Fashion School was an option before I met my husband and I got my EMT shortly after we were married. So yes, you can say I have a focus problem or lots of different dreams.
     When I became a Christian, and a wife and mother shortly after, I thought I had finally figured out what I was supposed to do...The Highest calling known to man, a Stay at Home Mama. Surely it would be a super easy and rewarding job, right?
  Fast forward a few years and my husband and I were raising support to be missionaries, not the cool ones who get to go to a third world country, but the Home Team ones who go to Dallas TX to work in an office. So we headed to TX with our 3 year old and 16 month old. When we got there it was a great community of believers and I made instant girlfriends. I told God.."Okay Lord, now we can relax, this is what you have for us for the rest of our lives and it’s perfect. We live in a bubble of Christians and I get to homeschool my kiddos and humbly serve you until I die, perfect." Well He had other plans. We served there for 3 and a half years and slowly found out it was a corrupt ministry. 2 of my husband’s cousins ended up diagnosed with cancer, one of whom was my BFF. So we headed back to Modesto with no job, and no house, and zero plans and ideas for the future. Not at all according to plan.
    Surely I would not be used now, or be able to lead anyone, I thought. I was sad and depressed and felt completely alone. It was all survival mode at this point; feed our children Lord and provide for us. Not many of my prayers were to ask for Him to use me. But He did. In time God provided Matt a job, us a home and me a MOPS group. After one year I was asked to lead a table at MOPS. I started to get a little cocky..I asked God to allow me to show these ladies at my table a thing or two. I had wisdom and could surely lead this table no problemo. Well I went into the year pregnant and ended up diagnosed with Postpartum Depression (PPD). All those gals at my table who I thought I could teach a thing too, ended up holding me up that year and helping me to just survive. Still not my plan and surely He can’t use me now! The next year He did end up using me through my toughest trial I had ever had. He gave me a chance to share my story at a MOPS meeting. Through that, many gals opened up about their own walk through depression and anxiety. And women still come up to me today to share about their walk through depression.
    Two things I never planned to happen and God was able to use me in ways I never expected; Helping women with PPD and Spiritual Abuse. He used me to lead. And still is. Who knows what He wants me to do when I grow up, wink wink.
   If I would have known as a little baby Christian the things He would allow to happen in my life I would have never signed up for them. My kiddos are now in school and I am still leading at MOPS and living in Modesto. Add those to the list of blessings I never planned for.
We all have desires in our hearts. HE will give us those desires the Bible says. Let’s spark those fires of the things we have a passion for and see how He will use us. It’s just the simple act of being willing to be used by Him. Being a leader is just a person being used by God. Taking small steps to work towards what we have a passion for. He will open the doors He wants us to walk through, and close those He doesn’t.

My challenge to you ladies is to walk boldly as Mama leaders! To prayerfully be open to what HE has for you. To remember that you are a unique and gifted person whom God has given desires and dreams to for a reason.
I wrote down a couple of scripture references to remind us all who we are in Christ. Do not be fearful Mamas to Find Your Fire. God put it in your heart for a reason. HE may not follow your plans, in fact I guarantee He won’t. But His plans will be awesome! Love you!, Summur

You Are........
A new Creation    2 Corinthians 5:17
His Workmanship    Ephesians 2:10
Chosen and Royal    Romans 8:1
Without Condemnation    John 1:12
Child of God      2 Corinthians 5:21
Righteous    John 15:5
Temple of God     Ephesians 2:6
Friend of God   2 Timothy 1:7
Full of Spirit of Power, Love and Self Control     Galatians 2:20
I can do All things     Romans 8:17
Citizens of Heaven    1 Corinthians 6:17
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made     Colossians 3:3
