Saturday, April 21, 2018

Raising Salt and Light

        Our last meeting was one of my favorites. Rhonda Stoppe spent the morning with us and came in to share on a talk titled "Mentor Me to be Free" and ended up sharing from her heart. Her words were words that I know I needed and I hope they touched you ladies as much as they did me. It took me many nights of prayer and starting over to get this blog written because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to share in a way that I felt would do our time with her justice. So, I am going to keep it real and do my best.

         Rhonda talked about keeping it real being more than being blunt. It is being vulnerable and allowing others to come alongside of us. I am going to be vulnerable with you ladies. I feel like I am not enough. My husband is working long hours daily and I have 4 little girls that all want an equal piece of mommy. We have what feels like 5 million things to do and a laundry mountain has eaten my couch. I know that some of you momma’s have it way worse and I hope that some of you can relate. Mom life can be so busy and sometimes overwhelming. I made it my intention this year to not end my day counting down to bedtime and I was failing miserably.

         Rhonda reminded me that my peace shouldn’t be coming from how the kids behaved or what my circumstances are. My peace is in Jesus and that He’s got me! I had to remember that there are little eyes that are watching and little people that I am helping to mold. Rhonda described mothers as the architects of the next generation. WOW! We are raising the salt and light of the earth ladies! How cool is that?!

        She also talked about raising kids that are not just good people but that are passionate Christ followers. I often worry that when I’m gone that my girls won’t get together or be there for each other. All the fighting right now makes me wonder if they like each other some days. Rhonda shared with us a story about her children. She was on a cruise with her husband and when they got back to port, and she turned her phone on, she had tons of text messages. Her daughter had a miscarriage and her children had come together to help her. She said that moment made her realize that they didn’t need her anymore. Ladies, I was in tears hearing that. That is my dream that my girls will offer prayer to each other and rush to be together when life gets rough. 

        We can be so tough on ourselves, especially when it feels like our struggles are too hard. We have to remember that we are warriors raising warriors. You were chosen for this position and for these babies. You are doing an amazing job! Thank you, Rhonda, for reminding this mom that I can handle this and I am exactly where I am meant to be!
