Our Mom of the Month for May is....
Amanda B!
Me, my husband Dean, & Liam (18months)
2.) What is your favorite thing about MOPS?
Making new friends, "It Works For Me", & breakfast!
3.) Describe a favorite childhood memory.
Riding big wheels and just generally being up to no good with my sister and cousins at our grandparents' house.
4.) Who was your favorite teacher, and why?
Mrs. Little- 4th grade. She was so beautiful and elegant and had really pretty handwriting on the chalkboard. I wanted to be just like her.
5.) What is your favorite sweet treat (and your favorite tooth paste)?
That's a hard one, it's hard to pick just one. But, I'm gonna have to go with angel food cake with fresh, real whipped cream. Toothpaste -haha! I like good ole Crest. I prefer the one that has Scope in it.
6.) If you had a day all to yourself, what would you do?
I would go the city (SF) and get a hotel room all to myself, sleep in, take my time getting ready, shop and eat yummy food. Lots of it.
7.) What is one piece of advice that you can give to our MOPS group?
Don't be afraid to go after what you want in life. Dreams can come true if you trust in God and are willing to put the work in. Sometimes, they end up looking a little different than we envisioned, but it's all well worth it.