The Christmas Lesson
by: Cheryl Nydam
Objective: to "Be CHRISTmas Bravely" this year
Materials Needed: a Bible, a listening heart, time
Assignment: to study the people of the 1st Christmas Story
Herod: Represents the deceiver in the story. Our culture deceives us into believing that Christmas is about shopping.
Response: Simplify! You don't have to wait in long lines. It's okay to pay a bit more to gain time with your family! Store bought cookies are okay!
Idea: Keep it simple by buying a different Christmas wrapping paper for each member of the family!
Caesar Augustus: Represents the circumstances that are beyond our control that bring us to Him. The census was beyond Mary & Joseph's control.
Response: The unexpected will come up. Look for God's plan in the midst of the unexpected.
Idea: Keep a Christmas journal that you write in every year.
Magi/Wisemen: They were men on a mission! They followed the star, found Jesus, and presented gifts to Him!
Response: Give to others.
Ideas: Pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Participate in the "Angel Tree" ministry by buying a gift for a child who's parent is incarcerated.
Question: What will be your mission?
Joseph: Represents waiting and anticipating Jesus!
Response: Prepare your heart for Christmas! Anticipate Him!
Ideas: Watch "The Nativity Story" as a family, read Christmas books with your children (The 25 Days of Christmas)
Angels: Represents peace through God's son, Jesus! The closer it gets to Christmas, the more frantic people become. When you're too busy, you do not experience peace.
Question: Where will you look for peace?
Idea: Play Christmas music & turn off all the lights in the house except for the ones on your Christmas tree!
Shepherds: They spread the word of Jesus' birth. They glorified Him, and told everyone they came in contact with about Jesus.
Ideas: Have a birthday party for Jesus with the neighbors. Share the Christmas story or a Christmas movie about the birth of Jesus.
Question: Who can you share Him with?
Innkeeper: Represents making room for Jesus!
Question: Where is He is your Christmas celebration?
Mary: Represents a BRAVE mom who pondered and treasured the events of Jesus' life.
Response: Tuck away special moments in your heart. It's not about the gifts, it's about the people.
Question: What traditions would you like to start in your family?
Jesus: Represents the center! All eyes were on Him!
Response: He is the reason for the season. Don't put Him "away" after Christmas. Let him be your focus everyday & all year long!
Scripture Refernces: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 2:1-12, John 16:33