Saturday, December 22, 2012

We made our first annual Birthday cake for Jesus last night - everyone having their hand in decorating with all together too many sprinkles...This is something that I've meant to do with the girls for a few years, but somehow the busy-ness of December always has gotten my best intentions lost. But this year, my girls suggested that we make Jesus a birthday cake (proud mom :)) and so we did! Had a little party complete with song and oldest had brought home a birthday gift she made at Pioneer Girls (wednesday night kids' club at church). I had no idea what was inside and convinced her to open it with us tonight since we had the birthday cake -- inside was a "gift card" from her to Jesus and it said "I will give you everything about the Bible." What a sweet Jesus back what was His creation to begin with. I guess she knew he would like it :) 

Jesus' Birthday Cake....lots of sprinkles and Peeps christmas trees :)
This made me think about how my girls could give me anything at all, even something that I'd already made and given to them, and when given back to me with love like that, how it would bring me such joy - because it's a gift from my child! And this is just how God loves us....we are His children and I have nothing on my own to give back to Him that wasn't His to begin with. It's the heart behind the gift that any parent really cares about. Parenthood is the most incredible tool in keeping my eyes focused on Jesus...I am constantly understanding just a little bit more and more of how He loves me through experiencing the love I have for my children. I'm thankful for that kind of truly does surpass all understanding.  Merry Christmas!  Love, Heather

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Next week is our one and only December MOPS meeting - it's Christmas at MOPS!  Don't forget to bring your $5 Christmas ornament/decor gift for our gift exchange game, and if your kiddos have class in Ohana Island, they should dress in Christmas-y clothes.  We will hear a message from Connie Grover and have a great morning together!  See you soon!  Love, Heather

Sunday, September 16, 2012

You're Invited!!!
What: Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
Where: Dutchollow Farms (
When: Thursday, October 11th
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: $5 per child (younger siblings are free, or $3 if they wish to take a pumpkin home)
Contact: Sophia Stanton - 209.505.5925

Thank you, Sophia, for hosting this field trip!