Monday, November 17, 2014

Be You, Bravely, Because You Are FREE!

Lili sharing her testimony

Our very own, Lili, bravely gave her testimony this past Tuesday at MOPS. She got up before her peers and talked about who she used to be, and how Jesus took the broken pieces and completely transformed her. As she hashed over the painful choices of her past, she boldly debunked the lies she once believed and beautifully claimed the truth in scripture. You could’ve heard a pin drop while she was talking. There was only the sound of quiet sobs while truth was proclaimed. Lili stated, “That was my past. I don’t live there anymore.”

How freeing.

I recently listened to a great talk by Jenny Allen. She’s a Bible teacher and author who loves Jesus & has a heart for women. During her talk, she showed a picture of a group of women she ministers to in a maximum-security prison. Here they are singing to Jesus. 

Here’s what Jenny had to say about them:

“Honestly, let me just tell you, they are more free than most people I meet in churches…Let me just say what’s so powerful about this and why they feel so free.

It’s because they’ve been caught.

There’s no pretending. They have nothing left to prove. Nothing left to earn. Nothing left to protect. They long for heaven, because as far as they know they may never get out of this place until Jesus. They love Jesus. They know what forgiveness is. They know what it means to be saved. And here’s they thing, guys. I think sometimes we just need our heads lifted to go, ‘You know what? I am broken. I am messed up. I need help. I need God.’

It feels so vulnerable, and then you say it and the other person says, ‘Me too!’ And then, all of a sudden there’s a freedom that comes…There’s something about being caught. It’s like, ‘Yep! Messed up, need God.” (From Momcon - "Be You, Bravely  - Because you are His - at 1:27:25)" 

After Lili’s talk, the room buzzed with conversation. One of the gals at my table said that Lili was so brave - SO BRAVE – that she just wanted to give her a hug. I agree.

Within 30 minutes of testimony, Lili reminded us of the freedom we have in Jesus. We were reminded to breathe in His grace and let go of the former things that have held us captive. We were reminded that we could break the chains of our pasts.

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

I loved how Lili encouraged each of us, whether we have an “exciting” or “boring” testimony, Jesus can use it all. 

I want to be like Lili – open, brave, and free. We have an amazing theme at MOPS this year. I hope each of us can be brave in our own ways. I’m hoping we can be brave with each other and hear that “me too.” I hope we remember how recklessly our Jesus loves us. Look at how He pursued Lili! May we not only say, "That was my past, I don't live there anymore," but boldly live it out. And, because of His love, His forgiveness, and His mercy, we can shine in a dark world. We can be brave because we are His. 

Pssst...Watch this:

Love, Jenn 

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